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In the early stages of a relationship, it is very normal to look at the world through rose-colored mirrors. However, for other people, those pink reflectors transform into blinders that prevent them from recognising when a relationship isn't as healthy as it should be.

What Constitutes a Healthy Relationship?

You and your alter ego should hopefully be getting along just fine. Not completely foolproof, if that's the issue? Step back from the disorienting sensation of having your hoofs mopped, and consider whether your relationship possesses the following qualities:

Reciprocal connection Does he or she get just how amazing you are and why? Develop the belief that the person you exist for—your BF or GF—is into you. Does your partner understand when you say you're uncomfortable doing something and immediately withdraw? Respect in a relationship means that both parties value one another, are aware of one another's limitations, and would never challenge them.

Trust. While talking to a classmate, your lover is taking your measurements. Does he finally lose his composure or does he continue to talk incoherently because he knows you wouldn't fool him? It's acceptable to occasionally feel a little envious because envy is a real emotion.But what matters is how someone responds when they feel envious.If you don't trust each other, there is no way to have a healthy relationship.

Honesty. This one connects with religion since it's difficult to place your trust in someone when one of you isn't being impartial. Have you ever caught your girlfriend telling a big lie? Like when she told you she had work on Friday night but it turned out she was out with her friends at the movies? She has to perform the next time she speaks; you'll be in much greater danger if you acknowledge her, and the situation will be dangerous.

Support. Your partner should support you at all times, not just in scary situations. Some individuals are fantastic when your entire world is falling apart, but they are not as interested in hearing about the pleasant things in your life. In a healthy relationship, your influential other is there to support you when you learn that your parents are divorcing each other and to celebrate with you when you land the lead role in a play.

distinct identities. In a healthy relationship, Everyone should be willing to compromise. However, that doesn't mean you should feel like you're failing at being who you are. You both had your own lives—families, friends, interests, hobbies, etc.—when you first started going out, and that shouldn't change. Both of you shouldn't have to pretend to like something you don't, stop seeing your friends, or stop doing things you love. Additionally, you should feel free to start developing new talents or interests, meeting new friends, and moving forward.

sufficient communication Can you express to each other the feelings that are important to you? Don't suppress your feelings out of fear that your partner won't find them appealing. Additionally, if you need some time to think.

The right individual will allow you space to think things through before you're willing to talk about it.

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